Monday, February 18, 2013

How to easily install Python modules by using Pip

This tutorial uses Pip to easily install other modules. For instructions on how to install the Pip module, see this post: "How to Install Python, Distribute (SetupTools), and Pip (Easy_Install) on a Windows 64Bit Computer."

In this tutorial, we will be installing bboe's prawtools
  1. Download the prawtools ZIP file from GitHub.
  2. Extract the zipped folder into the same folder where your other Python scripts are located.
  3. Click the Windows Icon (Start Menu). In the search box, type in "cmd.exe" and click on the cmd application.
  4. Change the directory to the scripts folder inside your Python folder so that you can run scripts from the command line. Example: "cd C:\Python33\Scripts"
  5. Now, type in "pip install prawtools"
  6. There you go, it's that easy! 
    1. Now you can run the executable for subreddit stats by simply typing "subreddit_stats.exe" into the command line.
    2. For a list of options that you can perform with subreddit stats, type in "subreddit_stats.exe - help"

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